Would banning firearms reduce murder and suicide? A Harvard study

Would banning firearms reduce murder and suicide? A study I found reading an online article, this is something useful to bring out if people constantly name your sources skewed or unreliable (despite having more linked evidence than the average mainstream media article). Something I find constant trouble with is the attitude people here in Australia is to keep poking at the usual subject of comparing America to Australia in gun crimes and boasting superior status in low violence and gun crimes on the single factor of, its because the guns are banned. They are banned in open carry or concealed, you need a special permit six months training constant up kept visits to the local gun range, two large safes to hold ammunition and unloaded weapon, not to mention police are allowed to basically walk into your home and inspect these safes whenever they feel necessary. 

Object blame is something that mystifies me, a gun is merely a tool to enhance the killing capabilities that humans already inherently have. Some argue that is exactly the point, but then do not look at the logical side of the argument and accumulate information such as previous murder rates overtime, geography, political and country wise issues, mental health issues, understanding of how guns are bought and sold, then compare that to variety of other countries and understand what is actually happening globally. To simply say banning the guns lowers crime, murder and suicide significantly, is ignorant. This is reason I am posting this study information about gun issues is vital to know especially from the accredited sources the opposing argument demands you have.

As posted previously there is also an Australian study suggesting that even in the period before the draconian laws were enforced that firearm crimes have actually been slightly lower than non-firearm related crimes on a per 100,000 person basis. If you would like to find that study as well.

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