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Let’s compare two feminists and their hopes for 2015


new year

Jessica Valenti is a professional victim, perpetually whining over the most trivial bullshit she can come up with, simultaneously screeching that men should stop everything they are doing and help her confront the horrors of wrapping Christmas presents and buying tampons, while blaming men for all the problems in the world. Help me, you violent, rapey, drunk assholes!

Cathy Young is also a feminist, although she can’t be a very dedicated one, as she still embraces patriarchal constructs like facts, logic and reason. Unsurprisingly, she is disliked by a lot of feminists, and even made it onto a list of women attacking women’s rights!!! The catfighting between whiny, harpy, bitchy moaners and rational, evidence-based, factual feminists  has never sent more fur flying!


Let’s look at these two and their hopes for the New Year.

Valenti gets off to a hate-filled bigoted start filled with contradiction right out of…

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Suprise, Suprise government spending and welfare programs do nothing for unemployment.

A recent article from the Mises institute explains how government spending does not help the economy, so it is not a surprise that government spending on welfare programs and the welfare system does very little to actually alleviate unemployment issues. Contrary to popular socialist and progressive beliefs- that being the government should be more involved, not less involved in economic matters – the spending and handout system causes more harm than good to both the recipient and the taxpayer.

9/11/14 today in Australia and a day before the memorial of 9/11 in America

I write this today as an early reminder of the great 9/11 tragedy that struck the American world trade center. The whole western world stopped in shock as they heard the news of the twin towers falling, the horror of thousands of people dieing, however this was nothing compared to the horror of millions that were to die in its consequential aftermath. This aftermath was a pretext for an on going war in the middle east, that would, and still does destabilize the whole region. Yes there were already factors that had the middle east on uneasy grounds, but this “war on terror” would be the greatest terror the people there would currently face.Remembering the information correctly, was it not mainly Saudi Arabian men and others from other middle eastern countries that committed this atrocity? However the response to this was to launch Operation Enduring Freedom to oust the Taliban from Afghanistan and the War on Terror that lead to invasions of Iraq which was Saudi Arabia’s enemy. Lest not forget that the Taliban was a CIA/US creation (more here if you dont believe info wars) (here as well). So its highly ironic that the US created the Taliban then to fight it later, or if your not stupid, its damn convenient for them to be around in Afghanistan so Operation Enduring Freedom can take place. Not the mention its connection with another CIA creation Al-Qaeda which the Al-Qaeda terrorists were used in justifying the invasion of other countries.

Am I angry am I bias right now? Yes I am because this event didn’t just effect millions in the Middle East, but in the world as well. I’m angry thousands died and now millions more, I’m angry this “War on Terror” spread from taking freedoms and causing fears in America to my own country as well. I’m angry that its obvious and I mean damn oblivious ISIS or ISIL or the Islamic state whatever they want to call it, is allowed to run around as they please right now. The boarders in American are wide open for ISIS to just run across.

What boils my blood is that Australians will sometimes say “why should we care?” The reason we should care is that this affects us too as a country, we followed America into the War on Terror, right now Tony Abbott and George Brandis are talking about Data Retention laws and Anti-terrorism laws on the basis of fighting terrorism. Our prime minister is ready to help America invade the Middle East all over again. I had a gut feeling something more was going to happen when I wrote about this months ago in June and posted a link to a guardian article. There are currently 11 planes missing as well right now, not to mention the talk and rumors of other another 9/11 scenario that could happen soon.

Is this reaching you? Do you get it? The reason we need to care is because if another similar incident happens, we as a country, are going to be dragged into the fray right next to America, and they will try to take our freedoms just like they did with the patriot act and the war on drugs in America. I know I have barley touched on the other issues caused by 9/11 the other connections to relations between Saudi Arabia and the other countries that were invaded. I give full condolences to the families and men and women who lost their lives that day and I am not trying to use their deaths to push any personal agenda. The biggest reason I write this article is to ask my fellow Australians, if another event like this happens after everything we know now are you going to just follow along with this again, will you at least write something or pay attention. Will you understand and know what it means if this happens again?

USArmy and the plan to use leathal force

A PDF has surfaced of which on page 30 of the 132 page PDF document it has a table displaying that there is an intention to use lethal force against UNARMED civilians. Yes there is table that shows that non-leathal force can be applied, but that is besides the point. This should be disturbing to anyone inside or outside the country as it shows an example of how that in a country that is supposed to represent hope and freedom or once did, has now degraded to the point that police are becoming militarized which is sign historically of an in coming tyranny worse than the current situation. This also sets up an example for other governments how might or will begin to follow in these actions against their own people.

Have a look at the PDF yourself.

Civil disturbances

No hard proof about the passenger airliner downing

No hard proof. No hard proof at all about Russian back or pro-Russian separatists, instead there’s a huge amount of finger pointing and beating of chests against the alleged culprits of the missile strike of the Malaysian jet in Ukraine. Instead there is youtube videos and social media posts to objectively say the aggressor is Russian backed Separatists or going as far as to blame Putin himself. If you have ever been in College, University even TAFE in Australia you understand that when given an Assignment you often need to find reliable resources to prove your point links such as unofficial social, media sites, websites, unofficial youtube clips and Wikipedia are not always acceptable forms of evidence or information gathering to make a solid assertion or argument. So then question is, why is it okay for government officials to start using these as “hard evidence”? Or “may well be” as Harf says mockingly. Anyone these days can allege to committing an act online as bragging, but not of done the act itself. Youtube is also another easily manipulated medium where anything can be posted a truth not to mention videos can be edited with false information. This is a serious  situation which if action is taken in a wrongful and misinformed manner could result several countries falling into conflict, to all out war, to at an extreme, a flash point to a new world war. An international incident resulting in the death of 298 from multiply countries is not something that should be based on loose evidence considering the resulting implications of conflict that can occur if the wrong assertion is acted upon. As the saying goes Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent, either side right now innocent until any real evidence surfaces. Who knows what really happened could of been an accident by Ukraine or pro-Russian forces could of been on purpose from either force, but it is not an issue to play around with like high-school gossip.

Would banning firearms reduce murder and suicide? A Harvard study

Would banning firearms reduce murder and suicide? A study I found reading an online article, this is something useful to bring out if people constantly name your sources skewed or unreliable (despite having more linked evidence than the average mainstream media article). Something I find constant trouble with is the attitude people here in Australia is to keep poking at the usual subject of comparing America to Australia in gun crimes and boasting superior status in low violence and gun crimes on the single factor of, its because the guns are banned. They are banned in open carry or concealed, you need a special permit six months training constant up kept visits to the local gun range, two large safes to hold ammunition and unloaded weapon, not to mention police are allowed to basically walk into your home and inspect these safes whenever they feel necessary. 

Object blame is something that mystifies me, a gun is merely a tool to enhance the killing capabilities that humans already inherently have. Some argue that is exactly the point, but then do not look at the logical side of the argument and accumulate information such as previous murder rates overtime, geography, political and country wise issues, mental health issues, understanding of how guns are bought and sold, then compare that to variety of other countries and understand what is actually happening globally. To simply say banning the guns lowers crime, murder and suicide significantly, is ignorant. This is reason I am posting this study information about gun issues is vital to know especially from the accredited sources the opposing argument demands you have.

As posted previously there is also an Australian study suggesting that even in the period before the draconian laws were enforced that firearm crimes have actually been slightly lower than non-firearm related crimes on a per 100,000 person basis. If you would like to find that study as well.

The elite and child abuse

The elite and child abuse. It always seems that it is often those up top who commit the great atrocities of the modern day. Whilst it is true that not all of the perceived elite are evil, however those who run this world certainly are. Child abuse is a unfortunate reality though most of us would rather think it doesn’t exist at all. I would like to think it doesn’t exist, but it does and people just continue to escape proper punishment.